Welcome to Machine Knitting etc - All Manuals are Free

The website is currently undergoing a major upgrade. This is a work in progress and your contributions are encouraged and will help make this effort a continuing success. We are looking for any additional manuals especially non English manuals as they seem difficult to find. Either use upload page or contact us by using The Contact form for further information and we will get back to you.
The items will be Manuals, User Guides, and Magazines From Brother Knitking, Silver Reed Studio, Passap as well as other models. Please report any items that are listed wrong as I do not own many of the machines and can only go by what I have found elsewhere or been sent. All items posted on this site are free of charge. If you find something you want simply click the 'Download' link next to the item's picture to either view or download the entire document.
Search: - Search is currently very specific.Model numbers should be entered without a dash eg, KH940 and not KH-940..
Having spent a significant amount of time searching and downloading free available literature (manuals) which led to duplicates due to incorrect naming conventions, poor copies and the like, I set out to create a site that is as comprehensive as I could yet be easy to use. Manuals offered are not simply listed by name. They are catagorized and you will see the cover page of the manual so it's easier to see if it's what you're looking for. Using a "store" less a shopping cart was the easiest way to make the manuals available in a searchable, orderly fashion.
Feel free to browse and take what you like. I tried to select the best scans I have, however, not all are the greatest. If you have something you would like to share via this site, whether a missing manual or a better copy of something already available, we would welcome your contribution however I will not knowingly post anything that violates copyrights.
Any suggestions for improving the site or informing us of any mistakes you may find are appreciated.
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